Athletics – 5km walk


Wednesday 7 February 2024


Guthrie Pavilion, Bayfield Park, Shore Street, Dunedin






Entries Close:

Saturday 3 February 2024


Dave Crewe, 021 224 7673 or 03 481 1158

Extra Information:

The venue, Guthrie Pavilion at Bayfield Park, will open at 5.00pm for collection of race numbers. The run will begin at 6.15pm, with the walkers start at 6.16pm.

The course is two laps of Bayfield Park inlet, running or walking on the footpath all the way around. There are no road crossings, but please note, roads are open and cars have right of way.

The course is relatively flat with a slight rise at the 2km and 4km mark. The course will be well marshalled and coned out for your safety.

A medal ceremony for each event will be held at the Gutrie Pavilion lounge straight after the final runner finishes the race, at approximately 7.00pm for the run, and 7.30pm for the walk.

Age groups:

30-34 (then 5-year increments) to 85+

Minimum age 30+ men and women as at the first day of competition